Timeless classic training splits I’ve adapted and evolved for over a decade as my all time favorite methods for getting results with my clients
by Jordan Patrick, B.S. Kinesiology & Nutrition, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist

Let’s be honest. First, there is NO training split that is the magic formula for everyone. In fact, there are several training splits with sets and rep schemes that have proven themselves effective when programmed intelligently and followed through with. Second, the best program is the one you enjoy and that you DO. A great training program done inconsistently will not get as good of results as an average training program done consistently. You should choose and build your training program around your goals, experience, fitness level, available equipment, abilities, limitations, time constraints and schedule.
Understand that the templates provided are just ONE basic example of literally dozens (if not hundreds) that you can do. Here are my top 3 I use for myself and my training clients and why I use them.
Push/Pull/Legs (PPL) Split
- Advanced: 6 days
- Beginner: 3-4 days
While the PPL 6 day split is most commonly known as a split for intermediate or advanced folks, I like using a 3 day split for beginner clients, especially busy working parents who can only commit to 3-4 days a week of workouts. My ONLY personal deviation from PPL is that I actually like to do legs FIRST (so LPP technically). The reason is because #1 – for all gyms on Monday…EVERYONE is doing chest. It’s hard enough to get the equipment you need. And reason #2 – legs are always a tough workout, they’re your biggest muscle group and training legs is so stressful on your nervous system (in a good way) that recovery is paramount. Why not knock it out on a Monday and kick it in the n**s off the jump? It’s not better or worse per se (in case you were looking for scientific evidence), but it does work better for a lot of my clients and l. Admittedly, it’s an anecdotal reason I like to put legs first, but nonetheless, if you don’t like it then swapping days back to the traditional version is pretty simple. Here’s an example of each:
6 Day Advanced Split (PPL Method)
- Pros: One of the best for building muscle. If you miss you can make it up in 3 days.
- Cons: Must be committed and at least intermediate to handle the volume. Hard to fit in a good cardio regimen if you don’t have the extra time
Example workout structure:
- Monday: Legs (Quad Focused, Abs)
- Tuesday: Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
- Wednesday: Pull (Back, Biceps, Forearms)
- Thursday: Legs (Hamstrings, Glute, Calf Focused, Abs)
- Friday: Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
- Saturday: Pull (Back, Biceps, Forearms)
- Sunday: Rest
Example Workout Template:
— Legs (Quads & Abs)
- Front Squat – 3×6-8 reps
- Barbell Lunges – 3×10-12
- Leg Extensions – 3×15-20
- Leg Press – 3×8-12
- Wall Sit – 3×60 seconds
- Sit-ups – 3×15-20
- Leg Raises – 3×15-20
— Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
- Pushups – 3×15-20
- Incline Bench – 3×10-12
- Flat Bench DB Flyes – 3×10-12
- Military Press – 3×8-12
- DB Lateral & Front Raise – 3×10-12
- Rope Tricep Pushdown – 3×12-15
- EZ Bar Skullcrusher – 3×10-12
— Pull (Back, Biceps, Forearms)
- Wide Grip Pull-ups – 3×10-12
- Barbell Row – 3×8-10
- Lat Pulldown – 3×8-10
- DB Shrugs – 3×12-15
- Face Pulls – 3×12-15
- EZ Bar Curl – 3×8-12
- Hammer Curl – 3×12-15
— Legs (Hams, Glutes, Calves, Abs)
- Romanian Deadlift – 3×10-12
- Conventional Deadlift – 3×6-8
- Hip Thrust – 3×10-12
- Leg Curl – 3×15-20
- Standing Calf Raises – 3×15-20
- Cable Crunches – 3×12-15
- Russian Twists – 3×12-15
3-4 Day Beginner Split (PPL Method)
- Pros: Great for beginners who are limited and the 4th day can be a “bonus” for fitting in more cardio.
- Cons: You’re likely to plateau quickly to only 3 days so you will need to progress further by adapting to more training volume and/or frequency.
Example workout structure:
- Monday: Legs & Abs
- Tuesday: Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
- Wednesday: Pull (Back, Biceps, Forearms)
- Thursday: Cardio & Abs (Bonus Workout & Total Body Structure)
- Friday: Rest
- Saturday: Rest
- Sunday: Rest
Example Workout Template:
— Legs (Legs & Abs)
- Goblet Squat – 3×12-15
- Box Step Ups – 3×10-12
- Split Squats – 3×8-10
- Romanian Deadlift – 3×10-12
- Standing Calf Raise – 3×15-20
- Crunches 3×15-20
- Dead Bug 3×10-12
— Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
- Pushups – 3×10-12
- Flat Bench – 3×10-12
- Floor DB Chest Flyes – 3×10-12
- Shoulder Press – 3×10-12
- DB Lateral & Front Raise – 3×10-12
- Rope Tricep Pushdown – 3×12-15
- EZ Bar Skullcrusher – 3×10-12
— Pull (Back, Biceps, Forearms)
- Chin-ups – 3×10-12
- DB Single Arm Row – 3×10-12
- Lat Pulldown – 3×8-10
- Seated Row – 3×12-15
- Face Pulls – 3×12-15
- EZ Bar Curl – 3×8-12
- Hammer Curl – 3×12-15
— Cardio & Abs (Total Body Optional/Bonus Workout)
- Steady State Cardio – 1×20 minutes
- Battle Ropes 3×45 seconds
- Kettlebell Swings 3x 15-20
- MB Slams 3×15-20
- Jump Rope 3x 60 seconds
- Reverse Crunches 3×15-20
- Penguins 3×15-20
The PPL routine has been around for decades and has been used by sports greatest athletes as well as the general population exercise enthusiasts with great success. The routines you could make are almost endless.
5 Day Strength & Conditioning Split
This is my personal favorite and the one I use in my own workouts. This split is for the small percentage of lifters and and all levels of sports athletes who are wanting to incorporate the power lifts (bench, squat, deadlift) as well as olympic lifts (clean & jerk, and snatch) while getting the benefits of a bodybuilding physique program incorporated as accessory work. These splits also involve aerobic, high intensity conditioning, and possibly an agility component factored into them. Out of all the clients I train, this is the least common split I use simply because olympic lifting is not for everyone and it takes quite a bit of personal dedication to stick to this type of training. Nevertheless the rewards from this program result in a well rounded athlete that is built to compete at high levels. Lastly, I think it’s the most fun type of workout.
- Pros: The most well rounded programming in all of fitness. Strength, power, conditioning are all accounted for.
- Cons: Must be pretty healthy with little to no injuries that would inhibit your ability to perform the lifts. Some of the toughest workouts you’ll do.
Example workout structure:
- Monday: Squat Focus & Abs
- Tuesday: Clean & Jerk & Conditioning
- Wednesday: Bench Focus & Bodybuilding
- Thursday: Deadlift Focus & Conditioning
- Friday: Snatches & Calisthenics & Abs
- Saturday: Rest
- Sunday: Rest
Example workout template:
— Squat Focus & Abs
- Back Squat – 4×5
- Single Leg RDL – 3×8-10
- Barbell Lunges – 3×10-12
- Lateral Lunges – 3×6-8
- Bulgarian Split Squat – 3×6-8
- Hollow Body Rocks – 3×20
- Toes to Bar – 3×10-12
— Clean & Jerk & Conditioning
- Power Clean + Push Jerk – 3×2+2
- Squat Clean & Split Jerk – 3×2
- Squat Clean & Split Jerk – 3×1
- Clean Pulls – 4×2
- Jerks from Rack – 4×2
- Aerobic Dominant Conditioning 1×20-30 minutes
— Bench Focus & Bodybuilding
- Bench Press – 4×6-8
- DB Incline Bench – 3×10-12
- Arnold Press – 3×12-15
- Barbell Row – 3×8-12
- Hammer Curl – 3×12-15
- DB Tricep Extension – 3×12-15
- DB Front & Lateral Raises – 3×10-12
— Deadlift Focus & Conditioning
- Barbell Good Morning – 3×8-10
- Conventional Deadlift – 5×5
- Turkish Get Up – 3×3
- Kettlebell Swing – 3×15-20
- Shuttle Runs – 3×5
- Box Jumps – 3×10-15
— Snatch & Calisthenics & Abs
- Pushups – 3×12-15
- Wide Grip Pull Ups – 3×10-12
- Dips – 3×10-12
- Snatch Pull + Power Snatch – 4×2+2
- Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat- 4×2+1
- GHD Sit-ups – 3×10-15
- Russian Twists – 3×12-15
4-5 Day Physique split
This is the next step I would take beginner PPL in the 3-4 day split to progress them to the next level. This type of split incorporates your basic compound lifts (bench, squat, deadlift) as well as bodybuilding and added cardio for an aesthetic, lean and defined physical appeal. It’s wonderful for intermediate all the way to advanced people and can constantly be progressed with various methods of periodization. There are many beginners who can also jump into this type of programming from the start (skipping the 3 day) with proper modifications. This is the most common type of programming I do for my clients.
- Pros: Perfect for most people because it’s not as voluminous as the advanced PPL and has added cardio & conditioning that people want and need.
- Cons: None
Example workout structure:
- Monday: Legs & Abs
- Tuesday: Chest & Back & Interval Conditioning
- Wednesday: Shoulders & Abs
- Thursday: Total Body & Arms
- Friday: Cardio & Abs (Optional/Bonus workout)
- Saturday: Rest
- Sunday: Rest
Example Workout Template:
— Legs & Abs
- Back Squat 3×8-10
- Single Leg RDL 3×6-8
- Reverse Lunges 3×10-12
- Leg Press 3×12-15
- Leg Extension 3×15-20
- Leg Curl 3×15-20
- Decline Sit-ups 3×10-15
- Russian Twists 3×12-15
— Chest & Back & Interval Conditioning
- Push-ups – 3×12-15
- Wide Grip Pull Ups – 3×10-12
- Bench Press – 3×10-12
- DB Single Arm Row – 3×12-15
- Cable Fly or Pec Dec – 3×12-15
- Lat Pulldown 3×12-15
- Interval Conditioning 6x:45 seconds (ropes, swings, slams, jumps etc.)
— Shoulder & Abs
- Arnold Press – 3×12-15
- DB Front & Side Raises – 3×10-12
- Barbell Push Press – 3×8-12
- Face Pulls – 3×12-15
- DB Reverse Flyes – 3×12-15
- Windshield Wipers – 3×10-12
- Hanging Leg Raise – 3×10-15
— Total Body & Arms
- Conventional Deadlift – 3×6-8
- Lateral Squats or Lunges – 3×8-10
- Chin-ups – 3×12-15
- Hanging Dips – 3×12-15
- Barbell Curl – 3×10-12
- Hammer Curl – 3×12-15
- Rope Tricep Pushdown – 3×12-15
- EZ Bar Skullcrusher – 3×12-15
— Cardio & Abs (Optional/Bonus workout)
- Steady State Cardio – 30-40 minutes (stairs, cycle, run, rowing)
- Forearm Plank – 3×60 seconds
- Side Plank 3x 45 seconds
- V Ups 3×10-15
- Side Crunches 3×15-20
There you have it! Believe or not this is the short and broad version of 3 example training templates. If you are new or intermediate and looking for more information I hope this article certainly pointed you in the right direction and helped you out.
If you need more professional help and guidance, and especially if you have certain physical limitations and need help with nutrition, I make custom training plans with instructional exercise videos for my clients based on their goals, abilities, limitations, and available equipment. I talk to all of my clients daily through my app as well make them custom meal plans, provide nutritional coaching, and hold them accountable to their goals! Click here (https://jordanpatrickfitness.com/contact/) so we can schedule a 30 min consultation call to see if I can help you reach your goals!